The Invincible Miss Cust | Book Feature

The Invincible Miss Cust

Penny Haw

Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark

Pub Date: 10.4.2022

Thank you @bookmarked for this gifted copy.

šŸ“˜Born in Ireland in 1868 to an aristocratic English family, Aleen knows she is destined to work with animals, even if her family is appalled by the idea of a woman pursuing a veterinary career. Going against their wishes but with the encouragement of the guardian assigned to her upon her father’s death, Aleen attends the New Veterinary College in Edinburgh, enrolling as A. I. Custance to spare her family the humiliation they fear. At last, she is on her way to becoming a veterinary surgeon! Little does she know her biggest obstacles lie ahead.

The Invincible Miss Cust is based on the real life of Aleen Isabel Cust, who defied her family and society to become Britain and Ireland’s first woman veterinary surgeon. Through Penny Haw’s meticulous research, riveting storytelling, and elegant prose, Aleen’s story of ambition, determination, family, friendship, and passion comes to life. It is a story that, even today, women will recognize, of battling patriarchy and an unequal society to realize one’s dreams and pave the way for other women in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.


I wanted to be a veterinarian, so I was so excited to receive this book. Reading about women who pioneered in their fields is something I enjoy. Iā€™m looking forward to this brilliant debut from Penny Haw.

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