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This is an important book – powerful, captivating, and heartbreaking. With compassion, it details the struggles, complexities, and realities of mental illness. 

The story centers around Julia, now eighteen, who attempted suicide and then entered an inpatient mental health facility. There, she meets Sam, an intelligent young man who loves photography. The two connect with their love of art and philosophy. Then Sam convinces Julia to leave the facility and travel to Yosemite National Park, without a word to anyone. 

Before too long, Julia realized this was not the romantic love story she hoped for. Sam, who is not taking his medications, is becoming unpredictable and even aggressive. She needs help. 

We hear the voices of Julia, her mother, and Samโ€™s mom. The author does a great job showing how hard it was for Juliaโ€™s mom to know what to do and what to say. It captures the pain of all involved. 

This is not an easy read: I would caution those of you who might find discussions of depression, mood disorder, and suicide to be triggers. Yet I recommend this book as it shines a light on the need for people to understand and talk about mental health. If you or someone you know is struggling, please get help.  

Thank you @suzyapprovedbooktours and @anastasiazadeik for a spot on tour and a gifted book.

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