Bet On It | Book Review

Bet on It

Jodie Slaughter

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Pub Date: 7.12.2022 Coming Soon!

I’ll be honest; I thought this would be a cute, breezy rom-com centered around Bingo. While Bingo is a game the main characters play, the real focus is mental health and trauma.

Aja is having a panic attack in the frozen food section of the Piggly Wiggly when a good-looking man comforts her and stays with her until she is calm enough to leave.

On Bingo night, Aja is surprised when her bingo bestie introduces the very same man who helped calm her as her grandson – Walker. He is in town to help his Gram while she recovers from a fall. 

Aja and Walker discover they have more than Bingo in common. Walker has had a lot of trauma in his past and struggles with PTSD. There is a definite attraction between the two, but with issues to navigate around, they decide only to have sex if one of them wins at Bingo!

𝐁𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐭 is a slow-burn, steamy romance set in a fun bingo-loving southern town. I was not overly connected with these characters, although I did like Gram and some of the nosey townspeople. Yet, the heart of the story shines by how thoughtful and tender the author approaches anxiety, past traumas, and the need for support. 

Thank you @stmartinspress and @netgalley for this gifted ebook.

🎧 Thank you for the gifted audiobook

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