The Secrets We Hide | Cover Reveal

📗Cover Reveal 📗

THE SECRETS WE HIDE by Patricia Sands

Coming August 25, 2022 

Thank you @suzyapprovedbooktours and @psands.stories for inviting me to share this amazing cover.

To learn more about the author, please visit 

🌴About the book:

The deep traditions and values of Kaito Tanaka’s Japanese heritage are severely tested when he returns home to Honolulu from duty in Vietnam to find his wife, Hana, in the grip of progressive mental health challenges.

As Hana’s condition worsens, Kaito’s life becomes absorbed in protecting and caring for her and their daughter, Kiana.  Hana becomes increasingly reclusive while their daughter Kiana grows troubled and rebellious. A friend’s mysterious death followed by Kiana’s sudden disappearance cut deeply into Kaito’s soul. Meditation is Kaito’s drug of choice. Secrecy hides the truth from others but Kaito’s commitment to Hana is unwavering.

As years go by, Kaito begins to make an annual pilgrimage to a Buddhist retreat in Koyasan that renews his spirit. In the end, a serendipitous coincidence there opens the door to happiness – if he can allow himself to accept it.

🌴Add this one to your TBR list today!

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